How To Report Suspected Nursing Home Abuse in Kentucky 

According to the National Adult Maltreatment Reporting System (NAMRS), over 1.3 million referrals of alleged adult maltreatment were received in 2020. About one-half of the reports involved self-neglect. The other half involved exploitation, sexual abuse, neglect, and physical abuse. The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services reported that the SFY adult protective services received… read more

What Does Esquire Mean?

The term “Esquire” was used hundreds of years ago in England to distinguish a person as a member of the English gentry ranking below a knight. It also identified someone as a candidate for knighthood. Later, the term was used to refer to someone from a high social class. In the United States, “esquire” does… read more

9 Things You Should Know About a Free Lawyer Consultation

When you’re facing a legal problem, including a car accident, slip and fall, medical malpractice, or another incident, one of the first steps you might take is to get professional advice through a free lawyer consultation. However, suppose you’re unfamiliar with the process. In that case, it can be tough to know what to expect… read more